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Application for INdividual Ministry Appointment

Please fill out this form to request an individual prayer ministry appointment. Sessions are currently offered online or in person in Summerville, Charleston. Once your application is reviewed, you will receive instructions for your next steps via email.

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Liability Release Form​

The purpose of this ministry is for spiritual growth and healing. It is not a psychological counseling service, nor is it intended to be. Team members are not licensed psychologists or psychiatrists; however, they are trained in using the Word of God and prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit. The results of this approach depend on the willingness of the individual to make wise choices consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

All personal information gathered in the course of a ministry session is confidential, and the files are so maintained; however, information, as needed, may be shared with leaders of Healing Encounters Ministry to further my healing process. Healing Encounters Ministry prayer ministers may consult with other team members without the use of individuals’ names. Discipleship, the commitment to train others in the mastery of prayer ministry skills, is an ongoing aspect of prayer ministry. Qualified disciples may be assigned during ministry sessions. The adherence to a strict policy of confidentiality includes disciples working with prayer ministers.

Healing Encounters will abide by all laws regarding the reporting of threats to self, threats to others, abuse of a child, abuse of the elderly and/or other behavior deemed by Healing Encounters to be harmful to yourself or others. Regardless of local laws, and out of care and respect for God’s creation, Healing Encounters will report any of the above to the proper authorities.

Healing Encounters will leverage technology including, but not limited to, Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. Healing Encounters is neither responsible nor liable for the use of this technology or any issues related to the privacy and security of such technology. None of the participants will record any session unless all participants agree to the same.

I understand the above information concerning this ministry. I have sought this ministry of my own free will and am under no obligation to accept or reject any of the advice or help that I might receive from the team members of this ministry. All personal information I reveal is given voluntarily to facilitate the team members working with me. I further release the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening and Healing Encounters Ministry from any and all liability, loss, or damage of any kind that may arise or result from these ministry sessions.

Thanks for submitting!
We’ll contact you to schedule shortly.

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Healing Encounters Ministry is located in Summerville, South Carolina  | Healing Encounters is a part of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening


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