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O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water. - Psalm 63:01 (NLT)


What the world needs—what we need—is the life-giving rain of the Holy Spirit. Our hearts long for the quiet peace of his presence, yet we whirl on to the next chaos. The antidote to all that ails our marriages, families, and our lives is found in the presence of God.


This is why we make room for a Healing Encounter with the loving presence and awesome power of God.

What is an encounter?

Encounter (verb): to come upon or meet the loving presence and awesome power of God

We gather as believers to encounter God. Then we scatter to carry the presence of God to those we interact with in our day-to-day lives at work, school, the ball field, grocery store, auto shop, library, bank—you name it! Whether someone attends our events such as an encounter night, healing service, deliverance event, or individual prayer appointment, or comes across a team member at a community event, we hope that they encounter the life-changing presence of God.


  • Day-to-day evangelism

  • Monthly believers' gatherings

  • Individual healing appointments

  • Group healing events

  • Encounter Nights

  • Community outreach opportunities

Monthly gatherings:  Mon oct 14 & Oct 28 @7pm

If you are...

Wanting to be a doer of the word

Wanting to be a part of the revival

Wanting God to use you in a meaningful way

Wanting to see God’s power displayed on the earth

Wanting to see the miracles of the Bible (and greater) done today

Wanting more than good theology- wanting good practice

Want to be equipped to fulfill the Great Commission

prayer appointments

We would love to pray with you! Individual prayer appointments are available with team members for deliverance, heart healing, and physical healing. This is not a counseling appointment, but is instead meant to help individuals hear God's heart for situations and receive the freedom and healing God's presence brings.

Monthly Gatherings

Each month, we gather to worship, pray for each other, and activate or practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit placed in each of us. This gathering equips and empowers Christians to "go out" into the community carrying the presence of God, fully prepared to share the Gospel and the life-changing presence of God wherever they go.

Growth Groups

Are you a believer who hungers for the more of God? Do you want to learn how to pray for the sick? Is your desire to know "what the Father is doing" so you can partner with him? Then Growth Groups are for you! This is where we look at and discuss practical models for prayer, prophetic, and evangelism. This is where we discuss ministry tools, compare notes from our experiences, and trouble shoot real life situations. Join us.

upcoming EVENTS

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Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.― Matthew 10:8
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